Credit Cards

Credit cards and credit card companies.
Don't ever get a credit card. EVER. If you have one, pay it off, cancel it, cut it up now. When I turned 18 and all those "nice" credit card companies started sending me credit cards applications, I went a little crazy. Having never had to actually manage money (other than "should I spend my babysitting money on going to the movies or the mall") and having never had proper money management skills modeled for me by my parental units, I had no idea what I was doing. I'm pretty sure I maxed out my cards within 3 months of getting them. For Christmas that year, my parents gave me cash and I used that cash to pay off most of my credit card debt. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson, but nooooooo. I got new cards an created new debts.

Now, being older and wiser, I am STILL paying off those debts. The moral of this story? Don't get credit cards unless you honestly believe that you can handle it.

Nice credit card people.
I really have to thank Amy at Discover for lowering my interest after simply making one phone call. Thank you, Amy.

Real Simple Quote:

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

Mahatma Gandhi